It was a bright winter morning, Supi was bustling with activity, sowing season had started, and farmers were out in the sun at 6 am.
The teams from VWCT, National Heart Institute and Dr Lal Path Labs had travelled from Delhi for 18 hours to conduct a two-day health camp in Village Supi from 23-24 October, organized by Village Ways Charitable Trust.
Dr. O.P. Yadava (CEO and Chief Cardiac Surgeon, National Heart Institute), was been accompanied by his team of two doctors Dr Vinod and Dr Anubhav, and para medical staff Mr Nirmal and Mr Mahipal. Dr. Usha Yadava (Director Prof. Ophthalmology Maulana Azad Medical College) had also reached to look after the eye patients. The doctors patiently examined the patients, and distributed them medicines. Dr Yadav also promised to sponsor stretchers for Supi to make the village better medically equipped.
Dr. Vandana Lal (Executive Director, Dr. Lal Pathlabs and resource person for our health project) was instrumental in reaching out to her philanthropic Doctor colleagues to support the Health Camp. She not only sent hi-tech lab testing machinery to the village but also encouraged her staff members Mr Praveen, Mr Rajender and Mr Vinod tovolunteer to reach the village to conduct blood, diabetes and cholesterol testsfor the patients. Their newest technology machinery gave the test results immediately.
250 patients from villages of Talla, Talayi and Supi walked up the hills to the camp. Training sessions were conducted and movies on health awareness were played for the patients waiting in the queue for their turn or to collect their blood reports. Poster making competition for kids took place during the same time.
Our 30 PHEs and two master trainers who are the face of VWCT’s HER Heath project, and have been active in spreading awareness on critical health issues, played a major role in the camp, by going door to door to inform the village about the camp, ensuring that the camp was conducted smoothly, patients were reaching the right counter and helping the doctors manage the crowd.
We are also grateful to National Rural Health Mission and Chief Medical Officer for supporting us and providing some chief medical equipment.
The camp proved out to be success, health needs of the community were catered to and was able to bridge a bit of the gap between the village and medical amenities.