Village Ways Charitable Trust collaborated with Ann Inc. to implement HER Network from October 2014 to April 2016. Program activities directly impacted 900 women and 900 men at Supi village, Kumaon region, Uttarakhand.
Initial awareness about the project in the village as a part of community preparation. Door to door awareness by Village coordinators, posters and pamphlets were used as mediums to disseminate information.
Formation of Health Committee with all the key stakeholders of the village including Village head and Forest Mayor. The committee met at least once every month to discuss progress and challenges.
Baseline survey of 100 women and focus group discussion to gain deeper understanding about their health needs.
Jackets and diaries to all 30 Peer Health Educators which helped them gain recognition and respect in the village.
Master trainer’s selected from the village conducted P.H.E and refresher trainings on 4 critical health needs of the village making the project sustainable.
Provision of audio-visual aids and space to conduct the training programs.
Posters, handbooks, fliers etc for P.H.E.s to facilitate community outreach. They were also put at school and community centres.
Health rallies by Peer Health Educators in the village to spread awareness.
In an effort to link the village with health amenities, drives like Water purification drive, Deworming drive for children, greenways stove initiative, underwear and cloth pad project and a health camp were organized from time to time.
Networked with Chief medical officer, National Health Mission and Health Ministry for their support facilitating link to various Government schemes and services.
A health room has been established at the Supi Community Centre where Deepa (master trainer, health supervisor) visits every day to cater to health needs of the village. Written to health ministry for provision of a doctor (at least once a month) at the Centre.