In-house Resources
Our VTE members and guides have accumulated extensive experience of responsible tourism. Our policy is to develop the capacities of our community partners to share experiences with other VTEs and to impart training to new VTEs. Similarly, we train our regional Coordinators to identify training needs to ensure that standards are maintained and to provide capacity-building training to the VTE committee members. We encourage our community trainers to act as resource persons for training events in other countries, sharing their experiences on a 'south-south' principle.
UK Training Resources
We have close links with several UK training-related institutions. The Leeds Metropolitan University, Department of Responsible Tourism, provides support in monitoring and impact evaluation of Village Ways enterprises; the Cambridge Humanitarian Centre sources volunteer English language trainers; and the Cambridge University, Centre for Sustainable Development, for support in rural engineering training. We provide trainers to assist our tourism enterprises as required.
Overseas Training Resources
Village Ways Partnership has established links with many NGOs, government agencies and private organisations in the countries where we operate, to provide specialist local training in topics ranging from English and French languages, guiding techniques, household management, health & safety, maintenance, wildlife & ecology, life-saving & first aid.
In India we have training links with many partners, including ATREE (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & Environment) in Kerala; Centre for Ecological Sciences (Indian Institute of Science) in Karnataka; CAZRI (Central Arid Zone Research Institute) in Rajasthan; Blue Dot Nature Training in Goa and MPEDB (Madhya Pradesh Ecotourism Development Board) in Mayhya Pradesh. In Nepal we have links with SNV for training in household management.